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Lamar Light and Power Electric Water Heater Rebate

Learn more about available financial resources by calling Lamar Light and Power directly.


Any Lamar Light and Power customer, home or business, may qualify for this program, if you meet the following criteria: You must be replacing a natural gas or propane water heater; Water heater must have at least a 30 gallon capacity; Water heater must have at least R16 insulation; Water heater must be purchased within our service area; Rebate credit must be requested within 90 days of installation; Proper documentation and inspection is required.

Funding Entity: 
Lamar Light and Power
Eligible Project Type: 
Utility Provider: 
Lamar Light and Power
The value of the rebate is $2.00 per gallon capacity. An additional rebate of $50.00 is available for rewiring if necessary for installation.
Please be advised that, while utility rebate programs are usually available to multifamily customers/members, they may be limited in scale. Contact your utility provider directly for more information on their rebate offerings for multifamily customers.
Purpose of Funds: 
Heat pump water heater
Electric resistance water heater
Last Updated: 
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