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Integrated Design Assistance Program

The Integrated Design Assistance Program (IDAP) brings together key stakeholders, including project owners, developers, design professionals and builders, for a whole-building approach, from concept to construction. IDAP provides incentives for design and construction. It also offers technical advice related to building science and energy code in addition to an optional performance incentive based on energy savings.


Projects may include new construction or major renovation, be categorized as commercial or high-rise residential as defined by ASHRAE 90.1 and located within the City of Fort Collins electric service territory; At time of application, the project is in a pre-design or schematic design stage and has sufficient flexibility for design changes in building form and energy efficiency strategies; The project will be at least 5,000 gross square feet.

Funding Entity: 
City of Fort Collins
Local Government
Eligible Project Type: 
New Construction
Utility Provider: 
City of Fort Collins
Municipalities Available: 
Fort Collins
Compatibility with other opportunities: 
Projects that meet IDAP energy targets are eligible for long-term, non-recourse financing with C-PACE.
Purpose of Funds: 
Technical assistance
Last Updated: 
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