Colorado commercial property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) is an innovative new financing mechanism for commercial real estate developers. It enables you to access affordable, long-term, non-recourse financing for the installation of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. Financing is provided by private capital providers in an open market so you can choose the most competitive rates and terms, and is repaid through a voluntary assessment that is recorded on the property.
To be eligible for C-PACE financing, projects must be located on eligible real property and be owned by an eligible property owner (including individuals, business entities, and nonprofit companies).Buildings owned by state and local government agencies are also eligible for C-PACE financing. For new construction: You can access Colorado C-PACE financing for up to 20 percent of your building's total eligible construction cost if you design the building to exceed the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) by 5 percent or more. (Meet IECC 2018 and still receive 15 percent.)