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Geothermal Energy Grant Program

The Geothermal Energy Grant Program (GEGP) provides grants that support the use of zero-emission, geothermal energy for electricity generation and space/water heating and cooling in homes, businesses, and communities. Grants are intended for the installation of ground-source heat pumps within groups of individual residential buildings or for individual nonresidential buildings, interconnected geothermal exchange systems (community district heating; thermal energy networks), and geothermal electricity projects.


Private entities: Building owners, developers, geothermal installers, contractors, communities, public service utilities (gas & electric), college or university campuses, and others (approved by program); Local Governments: statutory or home rule municipalities, counties, city and counties, or special districts; Public-Private Partnerships: partnerships between a local government and a private entity.

Funding Entity: 
Colorado Energy Office
Eligible Project Type: 
New Construction
Single-structure geothermal: up to $2,000/ton capacity for for-profit, up to $3,000 for non-profit. Community District Heating & Geothermal Readiness: up to $100,00 for scoping studies, up to $500,000 each for detailed design studies and installation. Geothermal electricity generation:
Time Available: 
Continuous until funding is expended. RFA rounds: 1st round opening no later than November 14, 2023; 2nd round anticipated in spring 2024, but subject to change.
The Geothermal Energy Grant Program is scheduled to launch on or before Tuesday, November 14th, 2023. The final program application process and eligibility criteria will be released at that time.
Purpose of Funds: 
Last Updated: 
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