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DCFC Plazas Program

The Colorado Energy Office's (CEO) Direct Current Fast-Charging (DCFC) Plazas program, developed in partnership with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), is designed to increase access to high-speed charging in communities and along highway corridors across Colorado. Funding will be available for corridor and community-based projects in all parts of the state.


Proposed DCFC locations must take into account proximity of existing and planned DCFC locations. Charging plazas must be publicly accessible.

Funding Entity: 
Colorado Energy Office; Colorado Department of Transportation
Eligible Project Type: 
New Construction
Depending on location, up to 80% of eligible costs, maximum of $140,000 per port; Additional $5,000 per port for projects located in Disproportionately Impacted Communities
Time Available: 
Recurring application rounds
Applications for the program are currently not open. Check back in Fall 2023.
Purpose of Funds: 
EV charging
Population Served: 
Community-based DCFC Plazas projects will be prioritized on the basis of proximity to multifamily housing and disproportionately impacted communities as well as their ability to fill remaining gaps within the proposed community.
Last Updated: 
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